vendredi 25 septembre 2009

Siena inauguration !

The team of Siena has worked hard during the summer to improve the sim and present us today the result : the cathedral and the piazza del campo are really similar with real Siena.

This medieval town is worth to visit it, but take care ! :
some knights are fightning in the street of this medieval RP... strengthening the medievla athmosphere.

mercredi 23 septembre 2009

Discovery of 2 new Italian towns : Lecce and Parma

Today, I'm a lucky guide ! I discover two new destinations for my tour : Lecce and Parma.

I 'll speak longer about it another day, but i couln't resist to present you these towns.
Parma have only one monument, i Portici del grano and some local specialities. Lecce is a more rich sim, with 5 monuments.

dimanche 20 septembre 2009

Une petite visite à Coblence

Cette ville à la confluence du Rhin et de la Moselle est surtout connue en France pour avoir accueilli des aristocrates immigrés durant la Révolution Française. Même s'il ne reste plus beaucoup d'élements de ce passé, la sim Coblence présente les principaux monuments de cette cité comme le Deutsche Eck ou la forteresse d'Ehrenbreitstein, qui offre une belle vue sur Coblence.
Une guide avertie vous fera découvrir au gré d'une promenade dans la vieille ville des petits détails témoignant de la longue histoire de cette cité. Pour un bref aperçu
Pour le site

vendredi 18 septembre 2009

A trip to Moscow

There are lots of real big cities builded on SL, with their more important monuments.

I would like to begin with Moscow and the Red Square. The first time I have visited it, I was impressed by the lenght of the SL Red Square, like i was few years ago in real Moscow.

The monuments are similar to the real Moscow, except for the inside.

GUM, St Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin, Lenin mausoleum are the most famous place of this square.

You could discover with my services more details on the Red Square.

Send me a notecard for more details about the conditions of the guided visit.